BC Circular Economy Strategy


Whereas the provisioning and management of goods and food consumed by BC communities produces excessive and unnecessary quantities of waste, pollution and carbon emissions that threatens environmental health; And whereas the concept of a Circular Economy provides a vision and framework to design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural systems to help BC communities move towards Zero Waste; And whereas the Province has yet to develop a comprehensive strategy to transition BCs economy to a circular one: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the province of BC develop a provincial Circular Economy strategy.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Province is aware of, and continues to promote and develop opportunities to move towards a circular economy. For example, the CleanBC plan includes working towards adoption of a circular economy in British Columbia, recognizing the potential for creating jobs, promoting innovation, and protecting the environment by harnessing the full value of resources. Extended producer responsibility EPR is viewed as the first pillar of a circular economy. As detailed in the Extended Producer Responsibility Five-Year Action Plan, published on September 10, 2021, the Province plans to build on and to expand BCs well-established EPR programs to support BCs circular economy. Meanwhile, through the CleanBC Plastics Action Fund, government is engaging BC-based innovators and companies in the circular economy, by investing in projects that reduce virgin plastics and make better use of post-consumer recycled plastic in manufacturing processes.

Convention Decision