Regulate E-CigarettesVapour Products to Minors

West Kelowna

Whereas results from the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey, Balance and Connection in BC: The Health and Well-being of our Youth McCreary Centre Society show that 21 of BC students have used a vaping product with nicotine in the past month and while the long term effect of using e-cigarettes and vapour products are being assessed, the effect of nicotine on youth are known to be detrimental to brain development; And whereas e-cigarettes and vapour products are being specifically marketed to youth through fruit and candy flavours and easily concealed products: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC enact strict regulations regarding the marketing and selling of e-cigarettes and vapour products to minors.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Promoting and protecting the health of youth is a priority for the BC government. We are extremely concerned about the increasing popularity and use of vaping products and e-cigarettes in young people and as such on November 14, 2019, Minister Dix announced a comprehensive 10 Point Action Plan on behalf of the Province in order to address youth vaping. BC is actively executing the planned actions, the most comprehensive in Canada. Regulatory actions: 1. Regulate nicotine content in vapour products. 2. Restrict the sale of flavoured vapour products. 3. Implement new labelling requirements to include plain packaging and health warnings. 4. Strengthen restrictions on public advertising. 5. Enhance compliance and enforcement of provincial laws, and 6. Increase the provincial sales tax on vapour products and accessories. - Sales tax was implemented January 1, 2020 - It is anticipated regulations will come in force on April 1st, 2020 Youth engagement and education and awareness: 7. Create a provincial youth advisory committee to support and advise on youth vaping, education, social awareness and other initiatives. - 5 regional youth tables took place engaging over 70 diverse youth through January to inform social marketing campaign and enhancements to the BC Lung toolkit. - Development of the Provincial Youth Advisory Council is underway in partnership with the Ministry of Education EDUC, expected to be in place in March 2020. 8. Distribute the BC Lung Association Vaping Prevention Toolkit to all schools for students, parents and educators. - The Toolkit has been distributed to approximately 2000 schools and is being translated in several languages and updated based on youth input. 9. Launch a stop vaping youth social awareness and marketing campaign. - Creative concept was youth generated and focus tested and will be launched mid February. 10. Enhanced QuitNow resources for youth wanting to quit vaping. - QuitNow cessation services for youth and vaping have been updated. We will continue to work with all levels of government on this issue.

Convention Decision