Low Impact Foundation Systems for Farm Use Structures

Nanaimo City

Whereas the structural use of concrete as a foundation system and associated fill is known to cause irreparable damage to soil biology and render a site unfit for soil-based crops in the future, and low-impact, low carbon, removable foundation technologies are available as a new standard for agricultural structure foundations; And whereas the Agricultural Land Commission Act, and the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation the ALR Regulation regulate farm use structures on the agricultural land reserve ALR and the deposit of fill is considered a farm use for all activities under sections 21 to 2.2, and does not require notification to the ALR except under limited circumstances, and the National Farm Building Code applies to all agricultural farm use structures; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to encourage the use of low carbon, low impact, cement-free foundation technologies for farm use structures and buildings within the ALR, thereby reducing the deposition of fill material and elimination of arable soil capability in the long term.

Convention Decision
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Executive Decision
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