MLA Attendance at Area Association Conventions

Central Kootenay RD
AKBLG Executive

Whereas direct interaction and discussions between locally elected representatives and Members of the Legislative Assembly MLAs are key to understanding our respective goals and priorities; And whereas the annual UBCM convention offers limited time for local elected representatives to engage directly with their MLAs: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government and each local government area association across British Columbia make a coordinated effort to synchronize the area association spring conventions and the legislative schedule to allow MLAs to attend the area association conventions.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Government understands and supports the need for direct interaction and discussion between locally elected officials and MLAs. The busy schedules of MLAs and local government representatives on Area Associations, particularly in the spring, can make coordinating engagement with MLAs challenging. Currently, MLAs make considerable efforts to attend area association conventions within the constraints of their demanding schedules and attendance in the Legislative Assembly. The legislative calendar has a set calendar that is set out in the Standing Orders for the Legislative Assembly and that is also driven by the requirements of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act BTAA. The BTAA specifies a statutory date for budget day and consequently, the spring session commences on the second Tuesday in February with the Throne Speech and lasts until the last Thursday in May. Budget Day is a fixed day that occurs on the third Tuesday of every February, one week after the opening of the spring session. The Legislative Assembly adjourns during spring session throughout the week of Spring Vacation, as provided under the School Act, as well as during the week of Good Friday, Easter Monday, the fourth week after Easter if Easter falls in March, and the week of Victoria Day. These breaks in the spring session provide an opportunity for each local government area association across British Columbia to schedule conventions to allow MLAs to attend. In an effort to coordinate area association spring conventions and the legislative schedule, area associations could aim to hold conventions when the Legislative Assembly is adjourned during the spring session.

Convention Decision