Upgrade Flood Infrastructure to Consider Fish and Access to Fish Habitat

LMLGA Executive

Whereas the Fraser River is home to more salmon runs than any other river in the world, and many of these runs are affected by outdated municipal flood control infrastructure that blocks or harms salmon streams; And whereas the Ministry of FLNRORD administers theWater Sustainability Act, and administers funding programs to replace aging and inadequate flood protection infrastructure: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be requested to improve their oversight of flood infrastructure maintenance and improvements, to include consideration of ecological connectivity and aquatic ecosystem health; And be it further resolved that the provincial government initiate infrastructure funding priorities and partnerships that support the installation of fish-friendly infrastructure in those locations where aging or inadequate infrastructure requires upgrading or replacement.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development currently considers fish passage and ecological connectivity in our adjudication of approvals under the Water Sustainability Act. This includes ensuring proponents are seeking opportunities to improve fish passage when reviewing proposals to upgrade or maintain existing flood management infrastructure. Ministry staff also work proactively internally and with various partners to improve fish passage associated with flood management and other infrastructure. This includes working with NGOs, the federal government, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, BC Hydros Fish Wildlife Compensation Program, local governments, industry and other organizations to prioritize and partner in addressing fish migration barriers. The Province is supportive of recovering fish access to areas where passage has been blocked. Infrastructure upgrades involving the improvement of fish passage are often expensive; therefore investments of public funds target the most cost-effective and ecologically beneficial opportunities.

Convention Decision