Gas Tax Funding for Volunteer Fire Departments

NCLGA Executive

Whereas the need for safety equipment and response vehicles for volunteer fire departments is continually increasing to meet provincial, federal and insurance requirements; And whereas the expense of safety equipment and response vehicles is an extraordinary cost for volunteer fire departments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the FCM and federal government to allow Gas Tax funding to fund safety equipment and response vehicles, and include volunteer fire departments as eligible recipients.

Federal Response

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Since flooding is Canadas costliest hazard, Public Safety Canada PS launched the National Disaster Mitigation Program NDMP in 2015 with the objective of reducing the impacts of floods by focusing investments on significant, recurring flood risks. Provincial and territorial governments are eligible for funding under the NDMP, and can redistribute funds to other levels of government, public sector bodies, and band councils, to name a few. As you may know, the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund DMAFt launched by Infrastructure Canada INFC in May 2018, is investing 2 billion to support the national, provincial, and municipal infrastructure required to deal with the effects of a changing climate. This program will support changing and reinforcing existing and new public infrastructure to help address climate risks and protect communities from natural disasters. PS is working closely with INFC, and other federal partners, to ensure coordinated action and to strengthen the linkages between the DMAF and the NDMP. As gas tax funding falls under the purview of my colleague, the Honourable Francois-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, I have also taken the liberty of copying Minister Champagne on our correspondence. Minister of Infrastructure and Communities The federal Gas Tax Fund is providing predictable and long-term funding to help build Canadas communities. As part of the Gas Tax Fund Agreement, local governments in British Columbia will receive 278.6 million in funding in 2018-2019. The Gas Tax Fund recognizes the need for a flexible approach to program delivery, so that communities can build and revitalize their public infrastructure that supports national objectives of productivity and economic growth, a clean environment and strong cities and communities.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended