Potential Hazard Identification for Emergency Response Personnel - Medical Cannabis Production in Residential Properties

Thompson-Nicola RD

Whereas Health Canada requires a person to register under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulation to allow for the production of cannabis for their own medical purposes within residential properties; And whereas the residential property and the production operation may not be compliant with electrical, fire, health, safety andor building regulations creating a potential risk to personnel responding to an emergency call from that location; And whereas due to federal privacy legislation, Health Canada does not have a process in place to notify a local government when an application has been approved for the production of cannabis for medical purposes in a residential location: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that Health Canada notify each local government where applications have been approved to allow local governments to protect the safety of emergency response personnel by identifying the location and potential hazards and risks associated with medical cannabis growth within their jurisdictions.

Convention Decision