Underfunding of Public Libraries

Burns Lake

Whereas public libraries in British Columbia are underfunded to meet the evolving needs of their communities; And whereas public libraries provide necessary access to knowledge and learning to all members of their communities, including those most marginalized: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia restore funding levels to the pre-2009 rates; And be it further resolved that the Province of British Columbia commit to forming a Task Force to work with Public Library Associations to ensure funding sustainability.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education The Ministry of Education is working with our partners, the British Columbia Library Trustees Association, the British Columbia Library Association, the Association of British Columbia Public Library Directors and the British Columbia Libraries Cooperative, to renew the provincial strategic plan for public libraries. Public libraries are an integral part of our governments vision for a province that works for everyone. Refreshing the strategic plan will enable all libraries regardless of size or location to deliver the connected and digitally enhanced programs, services and information resources that British Columbians need now and in the future. Public library funding and distribution will be reviewed within the context of this refreshed plan. Government is committed to working with libraries, community agencies and other stakeholders to ensure a stable and reliable public system that is future-focused. We are committed to improving the lives of British Columbians and we understand that libraries are well-positioned to complement other efforts underway that promote rural development and poverty reduction.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended