Expedite Accident Clearing

North Vancouver District
North Vancouver City

Whereas traffic volume is increasing steadily on provincial highways and minor vehicle accidents are occurring on a frequent basis causing excessive traveler delay, significant local and regional economic loss and loss of mobility on adjacent local road networks for example on average three accidents per week on the Iron Workers Memorial Bridge between the North Shore and Vancouver; And whereas under provincial legislation: - only police are authorized to issue consent to remove damaged or stalled vehicles blocking a provincial highway; - police who attend an accident where damages are estimated over 1,000 are required by law to conduct a time consuming accident investigation a MV6020 form; and - only police are authorized to fill out a MV6020 accident form: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Minister of Transportation make the following amendments to provincial legislation to facilitate more timely removal of damaged vehicles on provincial bridges, tunnels and highways thereby reducing the impact to the traveling public and movement of commercial goods: - amend the Motor Vehicle Act to allow the Province to delegate authority to their maintenance contractors to authorize removal of stalled vehicles or those vehicles involved in minor accidents from blocking a provincial highway; - amend the Motor Vehicle Act to increase the damage limit to 10,000 to allow police to attend minor accidents without having to complete a MV6020 investigation and to facilitate timely removal of vehicles with minor damage; and - expand the pilot program and move towards amending the Motor Vehicle Act to allow the authority having jurisdiction to extend authority to fire rescue services to complete MV6020 investigations for minor accidents. And be it further resolved that local governments be provided the authority to decide whether to adopt these legislative changes.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Province is constantly looking at new and innovative ways to increase road safety for British Columbians including working in collaboration with partners and stakeholders to maximize safe and responsible operation of motor vehicles in British Columbia. The Province has put measures and strategies in place to respond as efficiently as possible to crashes, and to remove vehicles from the road as quickly as possible, including: - Signs along major bridges in the lower mainland directing drivers involved in minor crashes or fender benders to move their vehicles off to the side of the road and to allow damaged or stalled vehicles to be towed as quickly as possible; - Cameras in place along much of the Lower Mainlands provincial infrastructure and bridge crossings allowing provincial staff and contractors to respond quickly to traffic incidents and for the public to have information about potential slowdowns through DriveBC; - Tow trucks stationed by the maintenance contractor at both the Ironworkers Memorial and Lions Gate Bridge to remove vehicles as quickly as possible; and - Ongoing discussions between the Province and law enforcement agencies and other first responders regarding crash prevention, education and awareness opportunities, response protocols and communication strategies during events. Further, ministry staff are currently reviewing the threshold for property damage only collisions to facilitate the more timely removal of vehicles with minor damage.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Endorsed as Amended