Forest Stewardship Plans Request for Improved Consultation

Columbia Shuswap RD

Whereas numerous forest stewardship plans are expiring or are undergoing significant amendments; And whereas significant concerns have been raised about the amendments with regard to impacts on domestic water sources and the overall health of watersheds and slope stability; And whereas local residents believe that they have not been adequately consulted given that previous forest stewardship plans are now many years old: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government ensure that forest tenure holders have comprehensive consultation in potentially affected communities with residents, local government and other stakeholders.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development In partnership with UBCM, the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development hosted a Forestry 101 workshop in Fall 2017 to discuss forest stewardship topics with local government. This is a follow-up to the workshop held last year at UBCM. Discussion will specifically included forest stewardship plans. In 2016, the Province set new expectations for forest stewardship plans and asked that they all be renewed to a higher standard. The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development is monitoring the progress and results. The Ministry encourages communities to work with local district managers and forest companies to discuss their specific interests in local forestry decisions.

Convention Decision