Provincial Private Moorage Program


Whereas the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations has amended the private moorage program permitting residential docks to be authorized under a General Permission rather than an application-driven Crown land tenure; And whereas residential docks authorized under General Permission will not require a referral to the local government for compliance with local government requirements: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations amend the provincial General Permission for the Use of Crown Land for Private Moorage to explicitly require that General Permission for private moorage require compliance with any local government regulation pertaining to the construction, placement and use of private moorage; And be it further resolved that Front Counter BC reinstate its practice of referring private moorage applications to municipalities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development The Ministry has responded to concerns by making the following changes: - The Ministrys Private Moorage webpage content has been amended to highlight the fact that proponents should contact their local government, prior to beginning any dock construction, to determine what if any additional legal requirements are in place; and - As all new freshwater docks require authorization under section 11 of the Water Sustainability Act changes in and about a stream, the Ministrys Natural Resource District office for the Okanagan Region has implemented a process to refer any Water Sustainability Act applications to local government, allowing local governments to respond directly to proponents. This process is being considered by other regional and district offices. Local government staff are encouraged to contact the Ministrys land authorization managers or directors to raise their specific concerns, or to find out more about the potential for a Water Sustainability Act authorization referral or notification process.

Convention Decision