National Strategy for Abandoned Vessels

Oak Bay

Whereas the AVICC and UBCM have passed a number of motions with regard to the removal of derelict vessels; And whereas in Parliament an Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and to provide for the development of a national strategy abandonment of vessels has been introduced: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorse the Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and to provide for the development of a national strategy for abandoned vessels.

Other Response

FCM At the latest board meeting in March 2018, the FCM Board of Directors considered the resolution and categorized it as Category D In accordance with existing FCM policy. This category contains resolutions that have been considered by FCM in the previous three years or that are in accordance with FCMs standing policy and advocacy priorities. In this case, the resolution was received by the Board of Directors for information only.

Convention Decision