Canada Goose Population Management


Whereas in the 1950s wildlife managers began relocating Canada Geese to the east coast of Vancouver Island, leading to the over abundant goose population which has devastated agricultural lands, estuaries, wildlife and critical fish habitat across Vancouver Island, bringing some of these vital ecosystems to the brink of extinction; And whereas the City of Parksville, Regional District of Nanaimo and Guardians of the Mid Island Estuaries Society have employed sound science and a series of management actions designed to reduce resident geese numbers to levels consistent with estuary recovery in 2010: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM fully support a regional coordinated approach to resident Canada Goose management, including population controls needed to protect natural assets and promote sustained recovery of vital estuary habitats.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development Canada geese are a federal responsibility. The Province, however, supports UBCM in efforts to gain more local control over the management of resident Canada Geese. In many areas, the goose population has increased to the extent that they are a general public nuisance that pose significant hazards to aviation, damage crops, create health risks, and damage parks, natural habitats, and recreational areas. The geese were artificially introduced into vast areas of the province in the 1960s and 1970slargely through federal government initiatives. The Province manages numerous open seasons for Canada Goose for which a Canadian Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit is required. However, many no shooting and no hunting areas exist around specific densely populated areas for safety reasons. The Province also assists with any permit authorizations and wildlife control expertise to support Canada Goose management actions.

Convention Decision