Recycle BC

Central Kootenay RD

Whereas the Regional District of Central Kootenay and other regional districts have demonstrated over a long term our ability to manage an effective, efficient recycling program, which achieves significant waste diversion and meets the needs of residents; And whereas Recycle BC, since its inception, has unilaterally attempted to dictate service levels, operational constraints and financial reimbursements including penalty clauses which conflict with local needs and proven practices when regional districts have entered into discussions to enter the program: Therefore be it resolved that the Minister of Environment direct Recycle BC to negotiate a cash transfer to regional districts without operational constraints to support existing programs which manage the recovery of printed and packaging materials and that if agreement cannot be reached by 31 March 2018 then the Ministry begin a mediation process to resolve the level of payments by December 31, 2018.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy The Ministry is interested in supporting local governments in waste management initiatives. One of the Ministrys long term policies regarding waste management and recycling is to shift the onus of responsibility for managing products at their end of life from local governments and the general taxpayer to industry and consumers, through the approach known as Extended Producer Responsibility EPR. In 2004, the Province enacted the Recycling Regulation the Regulation to provide a single results-based framework for industry-led product stewardship. In BC, we now have province-wide recycling programs for packaging and printed paper, beverage containers, electronics, tires, pharmaceuticals, paint, oil, pesticides and other household hazardous wastes. As Recycle BCs plan currently stands, there is not a cash transfer component in the stewardship plan for local governments that do not accept the fundingservice offers from Recycle BC. This component is out of scope of the Recycling Regulation and its intent, however, Recycle BCs plan is due for its five-year renewal in April 2018. As part of the renewal they will be consulting on their proposed changes until Spring 2018. Proposed areas for change include: -curbside, multi-family and depot collection services; -incentive rates offered; -contamination; and -open discussion about other plan components. The Ministry encourages local governments to participate in the consultation to make their concerns known. Ministry staff will be reviewing the stewardship plan and putting the file before a statutory decision maker who will make a determination on whether the plan is approved or not. One of the aspects that will be reviewed is how Recycle BC has addressed comments or concerns from stakeholders including local governments. Ministry staff have to begin to examine how we may be able to improve the current province-wide recycling regime. For details on all workshops, see: https:recyclebc.carecyclebc-consultation1494531362692-606dc694-a772

Convention Decision