Mines Act Permit Notification

Lake Country

Whereas approvals under the Mines Act have the potential to be highly impactful to communities making notification of all Mines Act applications to the public critical; And whereas the Mines Act currently grants discretion to the Regional Manager to determine if newspaper notification is necessary; And whereas some Mines Act applications are only advertised in regional newspapers, when local publications within the affected community are available: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be requested to update Mines Act requirements such that newspaper notification be required for all applications for permits, extensions and Notice of Work Updates for gravel, mineral or coal extraction in a newspaper publication based within the affected community, should one exist; And be it further resolved that should a newspaper publication not exist within the affected community, the notification must be in the newspaper publication based closest to the location for the permit.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy and Mines The Province is committed to engaging with local governments and citizens to understand their concerns related to mining activities located in their areas. The Ministry will continue to request the mine proponent to advertise Mines Act permit applications in local newspapers. The Ministry also encourages local governments to work with the regional office when Mines Act permit applications are referred to them to promote a fair and transparent process for their community.

Convention Decision