Business Faade Improvement Grant Programme

Lake Cowichan

Whereas the smaller local governments are looking at ways and means of encouraging the revitalization of their downtowns through incentives that would encourage small businesses to undertake much needed improvements to building facades, signage and siding; And whereas the Province had previously instituted a grant programme that provided financial assistance to businesses so they may undertake improvements through application to their respective local governments: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be petitioned to re-implement the Business Improvement Grant Programme that will provide each local government an annual intake to a maximum of 20,000 so local businesses may participate in a programme that would see the rejuvenation of business areas with the end goal of enhancing community appearance and pride which are integral to economic activity and growth.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development The Province provides local governments across BC with approximately 110 million in annual unconditional grant money through programs such as Small Communities Grants, Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing, and Regional District Basic Grants. These grants may be used to fund different services and programs that local governments deem appropriate. In addition, the Province has provided significant infrastructure funding to local governments through various programs. The Province also empowers local governments to encourage beautification and revitalization through authority such as the Revitalization Tax Exemption, which enables local governments to promote different types of social, economic and environmental revitalization, such as upgrading buildings. The Community Charter also authorizes local governments to provide tax exemptions for protected heritage properties.

Convention Decision