Environmental Bill of Rights


Whereas municipalities and regional districts are the governments nearest to people and the natural environment, and therefore share a deep concern for the welfare of the natural environment and understand that a healthy environment is inextricably linked to the health of individuals, families, future generations and communities; And whereas fostering the environmental well-being of the community is a municipal purpose under section 7d of the Community Charter and a regional district purpose under section 2d of the Local Government Act: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia enact a provincial environmental bill of rights to fulfill the right of every resident to live in a healthy environment by ensuring access to information, public participation in decision making, and access to effective remedies, and without limitation to allow a resident to: - comment on environmentally significant government proposals, - ask a ministry or local government to review an existing law, policy, or program, - ask a ministry, crown agency, or local government to investigate harm to the natural environment, - appeal, or ask a ministry or local government to review, a decision under an enactment, - propose a new law, regulation, policy, or program to protect the natural environment, - use courts or tribunals to protect the environment, and - have whistleblower protection.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate