Residential Renewable Energy Rebate Program

Hudsons Hope

WHEREAS demand for electricity is expected to increase in the future; AND WHEREAS renewable technologies such as small scale wind and solar are becoming increasingly feasible: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on BC Hydro and the Province of BC to work together to develop a framework that would provide incentives to residential customers to install grid-interactive renewable generation systems.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy Mines BC Hydro has a net metering program that allows its customers to offset their electricity consumption with renewable generation and receive payments from BC Hydro if they generate more power than they use. Electricity bill savings through the net metering program are similar to what BC Hydro pays for power purchases through the Standing Offer Program. Offering additional incentives would increase costs to ratepayers and taxpayers. BC Hydro is currently in an energy surplus, and is expected to remain in surplus for some time.

Convention Decision