Provincial Fuel Tax Funding for Active Transportation Infrastructure


WHEREAS local governments are endeavouring to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets set by the provincial government and providing pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is an important component of meeting those targets; AND WHEREAS local governments have limited revenue sources by which to provide pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to meet gaps in existing networks and transportation links throughout communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM recommend to the provincial government that the provincial tax on fuel sales be increased 0.001 and that the entirety of the proposed increase be allocated to local governments on a per capita basis for infrastructure improvements for active transportation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance An increase to provincial tax on fuel sales by 0.001 with the entirety of the proposed increased allocated to local governments on a per capita basis for infrastructure improvements for active transportation would have many implications and would need to be carefully considered within the context of the tax system as a whole. The Province provides grants and other forms of financial assistance to help local governments meet their infrastructure priorities. These programs include targeted capital infrastructure funding programs such as the Building Canada Fund, Towns for Tomorrow and the Community Recreation Program. They also include broader unconditional transfers such as the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program and the Strategic Community Investment Fund SCIF, which includes the Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Program, Small Community and Regional District Grants.

Convention Decision