Joint Task Force on School Funding Formula


WHEREAS the current funding formula for rural education, in effect for the last decade, has resulted in substantial funding cuts and has created significant differences between various school districts by the application of inequitable criteria that has negatively impacted the quality of education in numerous rural school districts; AND WHEREAS there has not been an adequate review of the effectiveness or fairness of the funding formula for BC school districts: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM strongly support the formation of a joint task force consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Education and BCSTA to undertake a comprehensive performance audit, review and possible revision of the funding formula for education in rural areas so as to ensure the fair funding, equal access and high quality of public education throughout the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education Government recognizes that northern and rural communities have unique needs and this is reflected in the K-12 funding formula for BC school districts through supplemental funding. An additional funding supplement is also provided to school districts experiencing the greatest student enrolment decline. The Ministry is providing nearly 1 billion more each year to school districts than in 200001. In the same period, September student enrolment has declined by approximately 72,000 students.

Other Response

British Columbia School Trustees Association Improvements to education funding overall, and to the formula by which funds are distributed, have been longstanding concerns for Boards of Education. In 2011 BCSTA initiated its own Task Force to review the education funding formula and submitted an extensive report to the Ministry of Education. We would be pleased to share the recommendation in that report and to discuss with you the best way of moving forward.

Convention Decision