Energy Efficiency Improvements for Homeowners


WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has provided funding and programs to homeowners for energy efficiency improvements; AND WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the Climate Action Charter: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to continue and to expand programs that will encourage the retrofitting of existing housing stock to improve energy efficiency.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas and Minister Responsible for Housing The LiveSmart BC Efficiency Incentive Program for homes received renewed funding of 35 million in 2011, which extended the program until March 31, 2013. Since 2008, over 100,000 homes in British Columbia had energy assessments completed and received an EnerGuide Rating System rating of between 0-100. Nearly 75 percent of those homes completed energy efficiency upgrades and received incentives through LiveSmart BC, funded in part by the programs utility company partners, FortisBC gas, FortisBC Power Sense electric and BC Hydro Power Smart. The lessons learned about home energy assessments, homeowner engagement with retrofit contractors and homeowner financing of retrofit projects are all informing the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas Ministry and its utility partners in the development of the next generation of programs and regulatory tools to advance energy efficiency retrofits in British Columbia homes. Amendments to the Clean Energy Act in 2011 and the subsequent 2012 Improvement Financing Regulation have enabled utility companies to develop pilot projects for on-bill energy efficiency financing programs in two British Columbia locations - the City of Colwood BC Hydro Power Smart pilot and the South Okanagan region FortisBC gas and electric. These pilots will launch in November 2012, allowing customers to access low-interest financing for energy efficiency improvements and then repay the loan on monthly or bi-monthly utility bills. In some cases, the energy and thus financial savings achieved from the retrofits will be greater than the monthly payment amounts, providing homeowners with extra incentive to access the no-upfront-cost method of upgrading their homes. Province-wide utility on-bill financing for energy efficiency upgrades is expected to be available to all British Columbians in the Fall of 2014. Utility companies continue to develop their energy efficiency programs for homes, for example rebates for energy efficiency retrofits including low income households and for new home construction. New, coordinated offerings were announced in summer 2012. In addition, the Ministry and utilities are exploring program options for home energy efficiency upgrades beyond March 31, 2013. The Ministry also continues to develop regulatory tools to advance energy efficiency in homes, including upcoming Fall 2012 province-wide consultations on proposed Energy Efficiency Act standards for boilers, set-top boxes, fluorescent lighting and geo-exchange heat pumps. Further, the Ministry has an ongoing mandate to raise the minimum standards for energy efficiency in equipment used in homes. Consultations on a regulation for set-top boxes DVRs etc took place in fall 2012. A decision on the proposed regulation is expected in spring 2013.

Convention Decision