UBCM Resolutions Session Participation

Peace River RD

WHEREAS the Union of British Columbia Municipalities hosts an annual convention which includes the introduction and debate of items and issues of importance to local government in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS the UBCM Convention provides an opportunity to local government elected officials to have consultation meetings with provincial government ministries and support organizations, which creates scheduling conflicts between attending UBCM resolution debate sessions and the provincial government meetings: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM ask the provincial government to discontinue scheduling ministry and support organization meetings during the scheduled UBCM resolutions sessions.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Services has been an active partner with UBCM in the process of coordinating government participation at the annual UBCM Convention. The Ministry recognizes the importance of the UBCM resolutions debate that takes place at the annual UBCM Convention and the desire to have maximum delegate participation. However, the Province receives a great number of meeting requests from delegates to meet with provincial government staff during the Convention and does its best to accommodate these meeting requests. There would be an average of 30 percent reduction in the number of meetings that could be accommodated at Convention if the provincial government discontinues scheduling ministry and support organization meetings during the scheduled UBCM resolutions sessions. The Ministry respects the resolution process and will continue to work with UBCM to maximize its potential.

Convention Decision