Improvement of Accountability Measures

Prince George

WHEREAS the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information in the custody of local government by elected officials is a breach of the duty to respect confidentiality provisions of the Community Charter; the Oath of Office; provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and undermines the public trust in the elected body; AND WHEREAS existing legislation provides inadequate provision to sanction elected officials who breach their duty to respect confidentiality: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM, the Local Government Leadership Academy and the Province of British Columbia explore ways to strengthen policies, practices, and legislation so as to foster best practices and enable stronger accountability measures among local government elected officials, up to and including, larger fines andor disqualification from office for those who are found to be in breach of legislation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development continues to work with the UBCM and the Local Government Leadership Academy LGLA to enhance the preparedness of locally elected officials for the responsibilities of elected officeincluding understanding confidentiality and other accountability provisions in the Community Charter. The Ministry is prepared to work with the UBCM and the LGLA to explore ways to strengthen policies and practices to further effective and fair implementation of accountability measures for locally elected officials. However, a full review of the confidentiality issue, including consideration of the importance of whistle-blowers in some situations, would be necessary before considering any legislative amendments.

Convention Decision