Succession Planning for Local Governments


WHEREAS local government revenues are oversubscribed due to a continued reliance on property taxation and off loading from other governments; AND WHEREAS small local governments are challenged to recruit, retain and compensate senior staff in the current environment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to support local government efforts to engage in succession planning that will lead to better recruitment, retention and compensation for qualified senior staff.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Ministry supports local government succession planning to anticipate local government challenges in attracting, retaining and developing local government managers. It has long supported the Board of Examiners certification process and various scholarship programs which are directed at professional development within the local government system. The Ministry also partnered with the Municipal Finance Authority and the Local Government Management Association in a three year pilot project, the Local Government Intern Program. The Ministry is committed to continuing to work with the UBCM, LGMA and educational institutions to develop strategies to deal with the professional management challenges facing local governments, especially smaller, more remote communities.

Convention Decision