Illegal Dumping

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS illegal waste disposal is detrimental to the environment and our communities; AND WHEREAS local governments are being called on to expend greater resources in order to monitor and clean up illegal dump sites: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment be requested to make additional financial and human resources available to assist with enforcement, monitoring and clean up of illegal dump sites on Crown land.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Illegal dumping on Crown land is an ongoing problem that will continue to require cooperation and coordination between provincial agencies, municipalities and regional districts. The Ministry of Environment can and does enforce action where illegal dumping results in pollution. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is responsible for the management of Crown land assets and will continue to penalize illegal use of Crown land. Municipalities and regional districts, through authorization of solid waste management plans under the Environmental Management Act manage municipal solid waste and as such play a key role in preventing illegal dumping through the provision of recycling and waste disposal options for citizens. The Ministry of Environment Ministry, through the Conservation Officer Service and the Environmental Protection Division will continue compliance and enforcement of regulations against illegal dumping on Crown land, in collaboration with regional districts, municipalities and electoral areas. The Ministry is not aware of a systemic increase in illegal dumping across the province, but acknowledges there may be local issues in parts of the province. Where the municipality or regional district can identify this, the Ministry is willing to work together with local government to determine causes, for example a lack of suitable or cost effective recycling or disposal options, and appropriate mitigation, andor enforcement actions. At this time the Ministry of Environment does not foresee a need for additional financial or human resources, and is willing to partner with local governments on a case by case basis to resolve specific illegal dumping challenges.

Convention Decision