Resolution to Amend the Unions Bylaws Respecting Addition of Two Vancouver Metro Area Representatives to the Executive

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS in the spirit of adapting to change and ensuring that the composition of the UBCM Executive remains relevant to the entire membership, the UBCM Executive created a Structure Review Committee to examine and make recommendations for potential changes to the structure of the UBCM Executive; AND WHEREAS arising out of its consideration of the historical and current composition of the UBCM Executive, as well as the evolution of local government in BC over time, the Structure Review Committee has recommended changes to the UBCM Executive structure that require amendments to the UBCM Bylaws: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Unions Bylaws be amended effective January 1, 2011 as follows, with the full wording of the proposed amendments provided for reference as Appendix B of the Report of the Structure Review Committee: Sections 3b and d; 4b, g, h and i; and 5a, c, d, e, f and g be amended to add two additional positions to the UBCM Executive, to be known as Vancouver Metro Area Representatives; with these positions to be open to all elected officials who are in the GVRD area; and with these positions to be elected annually at the UBCM Convention by delegates from the GVRD and its member local governments.

Convention Decision