Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the Unions Bylaws Respecting Rules of Procedure the Handling of Resolutions

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS resolution 2008-B137, which requested several changes to the UBCM resolutions process, was referred by the membership to the UBCM Executive for further consideration; AND WHEREAS in response to resolution 2008-B137 the UBCM Executive through its Resolutions Committee conducted extensive research and member consultation, and as a result the Resolutions Committee has recommended certain improvements to the resolutions process that require amendments to the UBCM Bylaws: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Unions Bylaws be amended effective upon adoption of this Extraordinary Resolution as follows, with the full wording of the proposed amendments provided for reference as Appendix B of the Report of the Resolutions Committee on the Resolutions Process Review: - Sections 23a, b, c, d, e and f on the HANDLING OF RESOLUTIONS be deleted and replaced with new sections a, c, d and e to make it possible to block vote on some or all of the grouped resolutions; and a new section b to implement the requirement to call the question on a resolution if there is no delegate wishing to speak in opposition or propose an amendment; and - Sections 14a, 15c and 22c be amended for clarity, consequential to the amendments to Section 23.

Convention Decision