Tobacco Use on Public Lands


WHEREAS local governments provide open public spaces for parks, recreation and community events, and the public has the right to enjoy freedom from the effects of tobacco use while on public lands; AND WHEREAS the Province of BC collects taxes from the sale of tobacco products: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to allocate a portion of its tobacco tax revenue as funding for local governments to use for education and signage to reduce tobacco use on public lands owned by local governments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance The provincial tobacco tax is intended to be a general source of revenue for government as part of the consolidated revenue fund CRF. In general, provincial revenue sources, such as the tobacco tax, are not allocated to specific provincial or municipal spending programs. A main reason is that tying revenue to specific programs significantly constrains the governments flexibility to adjust spending priorities as circumstances change. Revenue generated by taxes, such as the tobacco tax, is required to fund provincial government programs in health, education and other social services. The Province uses some of the revenue to develop and operate several programs to educate British Columbians on the health dangers of smoking, restrict smoking in various public places and provide assistance to smokers trying to quit. In regards to controlling smoking, the Province supports the development of municipal and regional smoking control bylaws, which may include restrictions on smoking in outdoor public areas.

Convention Decision