Development of a Livable-Inclusive Communities Strategy

NCLGA Executive

WHEREAS the Measuring Up The North Initiative Phase 1 has been successful in helping BC communities assess and improve how livable, age-friendly, disability-friendly, universally designed and inclusive they are for all residents and visitors; AND WHEREAS many time-limited initiatives such as MUTN Phase 1 and others in the province have started the momentum but there is still a great deal more to do; AND WHEREAS MUTN has developed tools and processes and learned lessons that could contribute to a province-wide initiative: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM work with the Province of BC to create a framework called the Livable-Inclusive Communities Strategy that communities can use as a guideline to plan for livable, age and disability friendly communities; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provincial Livable-Inclusive Communities Strategy include provincial funding and support as well as provincial awards that recognize and encourage business, community, local governments and individuals in their efforts.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Services The Province has supported local governments to make their communities more livable and inclusive through a variety of initiatives and programs. Examples include ActNow BC Seniors Communities Parks, Age-friendly Community Planning and Program Grants, Accessible Tourism, BC Healthy Communities Initiative, Green Cities Award, LocalMotion Fund Planning for Communities Initiative, Green Communities Initiative, and the Measuring Up Accessibility and Inclusion Fund. Since 2007, the Province has invested over 50 million towards this goal. The Province continues to collaborate with UBCM and other partners to produce tools including guidelines for local governments to develop livable and inclusive communities for BC residents and visitors. Recent collaboration led to the development of a Health 201 Resource Kit for local governments and design professionals and a set of guidelines for making Official Community Plans more age-friendly and disability-friendly. The Province will also continue to support local governments in their efforts to make their communities more friendly for all ages. The Province applauds the efforts of local governments to continue the livable-inclusive communities momentum. It recognizes that many communities are developing their own livable-inclusive strategies. As such, work is underway to explore expanded provincial approaches to community engagement and collaborative efforts across ministries and between governments, community organizations and citizens to augment the work that has been done to make British Columbia accessible and inclusive for all.

Convention Decision