BC Cycling Development Program


WHEREAS cycling is a critical element of the provinces transportation system, serving growing numbers of citizens for commuting, recreation and sport year-round; AND WHEREAS cycling not only supports BCs greenhouse gas emission goals and public health objectives, it provides community-friendly transportation at low cost to local governments; AND WHEREAS cycling is an important part of BCs ecotourism industry with routes like the Kettle Valley Railway and others attracting thousands of visitors annually; AND WHEREAS the development and expansion of safe cycling across the province requires a coordinated approach that includes the relevant provincial ministries working with local governments through UBCM: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM request the Province to undertake a BC Cycling Development Program in cooperation with local governments to: - ensure safety is paramount through the development of cyclist and driver education programs; - develop a best practices guide for local governments designed to grow cycling traffic and cycling mode share by ensuring consistent standards province-wide in the implementation of cycling infrastructure, including bike lanes and signage, and the creation of cycling routes and loops to encourage destination cycling; - allocate appropriate funding through the Ministry of Transportation to double cycling mode share by 2020 through strategies including increased capital cost sharing with local governments, safe cycling connections between local governments and safe cycling infrastructure on provincial routes through local governments; and - consult with stakeholders on necessary amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act to promote safe cycling and to develop appropriate province-wide standards for enforcement of the law as it applies to cyclists and to motorists.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry realizes the health, environmental and social benefits of cycling. The Ministry continues to consult and work with local governments and cyclists to develop safe and effective cycling infrastructure. Since 2001 the province has invested 128 million in cycling infrastructure in over 50 communities. The Ministry continues to invest in new cycling infrastructure through its BikeBC program, as well as working with other provincial agencies to increase cycling throughout the Province.

Convention Decision