New Requirements for Revenue Policy Disclosure


WHEREAS Bill 35 has made amendments to the Community Charter Section 165 3.1 that requires the establishment of objectives and policies relating to municipal revenue sources and property tax revenues from the various tax classes and municipal use of permissive tax exemptions; AND WHEREAS it is problematic establishing a policy for a specific proportion of revenues to come from any particular revenue source as some revenues will change significantly from year to year making any such policy impossible to follow; AND WHEREAS it is also problematic establishing a policy for maintaining the proportion of property tax revenues to come from each property tax class when new development occurs at different rates: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be requested to review Community Charter section 165 3.1 reporting requirements and consult with municipalities with a population less than 15,000 to devise a reporting requirement that provides meaningful information to councils and citizens of smaller municipalities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY RURAL DEVELOPMENT Ministry staff are available for guidance and advice in developing tax policies, objectives, and financial plans. The Ministry believes that regardless of size, municipalities across the province must establish financial policies and objectives in accordance with Community Charter s.165 3.1. Determining such policies and objectives can prove challenging for all local governments regardless of their size. However, it is essential to analyze objectives and policies regarding taxation and revenue as they are the foundation for long term financial planning. Engaging in such analysis improves the municipal financial planning and taxation process along with promoting transparency and accountability to tax payers.

Convention Decision