Regional District Consultation on Independent Power Projects

Central Kootenay RD

WHEREAS regional districts do not have any direct input or discussion with the Province in regard to independent power producers on behalf of their residents: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all regional districts be included in the provincial consultation process for independent power projects proposed within their jurisdiction.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES PETROLEUM RESOURCES The input of local and regional governments is a key part of the review of any clean, renewable energy project. Clean, renewable electricity accounts for over 90 per cent of total generation and, combined with aggressive conservation targets, places our province among the top jurisdictions in the world. A typical clean, renewable project will require more than 50 permits, licences, approvals and reviews from 14 regulatory bodies, including federal and provincial agencies, local government and First Nations. Clean, renewable power projects are just one part of B.C.s energy mix. Our government wants to encourage investment and make B.C. more competitive. We want to stimulate the economy and create jobs for a future of renewed economic opportunity and well being that is sustainable. The long-term transmission inquiry being conducted by the BC Utilities Commission is a public process and will identify areas in the province with high levels of clean, renewable generation potential, taking into account areas that may be inappropriate for development, and the most efficient transmission infrastructure to deliver that electricity to customers. The recent decision by BCUC does not shut the door on clean, renewable power projects. In fact, just a few weeks ago BCUC accepted electricity purchase agreements with four biomass projects.

Convention Decision