Ministry of Environment Funding

AKBLG Executive

WHEREAS local government has many points of contact with environmental issues and has a long history of working with the Ministry of Environment; AND WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has reduced funding for the Ministry of Environment leading to a reduction, if not withdrawal from service level that are necessary for the Province to protect dwindling environmental assets and assisting local government in areas of overlap: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide funding and resources to the Ministry of Environment to enable the Ministry to return to an active role in the development and enforcement of reasonable regulations, and working with local government in an effective, meaningful and respectful manner on the many issues that we share.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT During challenging economic times, the provincial government must manage what resources it has in the most efficient way possible to meet the needs of the province. In response to the current economic challenges, all ministries must work hard to meet their mandates. The Ministry of Environment will continue to work with other levels of government, stakeholders and the public to manage and regulate the environment for the benefit of all British Columbians.

Convention Decision