Flood Protection Funding


WHEREAS flood protection works are deficient in many areas throughout the Province of British Columbia and, in many areas, critical links in the national transportation network do not have adequate flood protection; AND WHEREAS climate change is increasing the risk of flooding in many coastal communities due to long-term sea level and increasing storm intensity; AND WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has committed to 10 million annually for the next 10 years to improve the level of flood protection: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request the federal government to match the funds being expended by the Province of British Columbia and other provincial governments that implement similar flood protection improvement programs.

Federal Response

Ministry of Public Safety Public Safety Canada is aware of the importance of flood mitigation projects to the safety and well being of Canadian communities. Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for Emergency Management approved the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy in January 2008. The Strategy describes how federal, provincial and territorial governments will work collaboratively to advance disaster risk reduction initiatives across the country, and identifies priority actions to be undertaken by federal, provincial and territorial partners. Our Department works in partnership with the provinces and territories and other government departments such as the Department of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, under which disaster mitigation has been identified as an eligible project category through the Budget 2007 Infrastructure Plan, as part of the 8.8 billion Building Canada Fund. Under Building Canada, infrastructure investments for disaster mitigation are directed toward initiatives that reduce the vulnerability of a community or public infrastructure to the negative impacts of extreme natural events. On May 9, 2008, the Government of Canada made an investment of 60 million in dedicated funding for flood mitigation in British Columbia as a priority under the Building Canada Fund. As well, under the new Guidelines for Public Safety Canadas Disaster Financial Assistant Arrangement, cost-sharing for mitigation enhancements of damaged infrastructure to reduce vulnerability to future events will be considered on ca case by case basis for natural disasters beginning on or after January 1, 2008. The value of enhancements eligible for cost sharing is 15 percent of the estimated cost to repair to pre-disaster condition. As you may know, the Financial Assistant Arrangements provides federal cost sharing of provincial territorial response and recovery expenditures following significant natural disasters such as floods. The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of resilient critical infrastructure, and remains committed to working together with partners in this vital area. Safe food, clean water and reliable energy, transportation, communications and public safety services are vital to the well-being of Canadians. Departmental officials are working closely with their provincialterritorial colleagues and private sector partners to finalize Canadas first National Strategy and Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure - its goal is to build a safer, more secure and more resilient Canada. The National Strategy will be based on the principles of risk management, information sharing and partnership with industry and all levels of government.

Convention Decision