Funding for Community Parks

Fraser-Fort George RD

WHEREAS the Local Government Act and Community Charter require that funds received at the time of subdivision in lieu of parkland dedication must be used for the acquisition of parklands and for no other purpose; AND WHEREAS the making of capital improvements to parks and other community properties is often a higher priority than the acquisition of additional parklands: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM petition the Province to allow funds collected in lieu of parkland dedication to be used for capital improvements to parks and other community property.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Development The current approach requires that funds received at the time of subdivision in lieu of parkland dedication must be used for the acquisition of parklands and for no other purpose. This approach is used to ensure that as communities grow at least 5 per cent of the settled area can be maintained in park and green space without impacting local property tax. Allowing the use of these funds for other purposes, including making capital improvements to parks and other community properties, reduces the focus on parkland acquisition. The capacity to plan for and acquire parkland is critical to maintain a sustainable community. Development Cost Charges DCCs can be used to fund park improvements including: fencing, landscaping, drainage and irrigation, trails, restrooms, changing rooms, playground and playing equipment. The Ministry of Community Developments Parkland Acquisition Best Practices recommends that a local government consider clear guidelines when using DCCs and parkland acquisition. The best practices guide is available on the Ministrys website:….

Convention Decision