Rental Zoning


WHEREAS there is a need to encourage the development of new rental housing to meet the needs of current and future residents in communities, and many local governments wish to establish policies and programs to encourage the development of rental housing; AND WHEREAS efforts to promote the development of rental housing at the local government level are often ineffectual due to the inability of local governments to control land use on the basis of tenure: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be requested to amend Section 903 of the Local Government Act to authorize local governments, if they should so choose, to enact land use regulations that would regulate residential rental tenure through zoning and other measures.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Local governments have a number of tools at their disposal to secure affordable housing, including affordable rental units. Sections 904 and 905 of the Local Government Act provide local governments with the authority to zone for amenities and affordable housing, and to enter into housing agreements with owners who provide their consent. Housing agreements may regulate a housing units form of tenure and rent or sale price including rent or sale price increases. Limiting the type of tenure on residential land using zoning or other regulatory powers would be a significant intervention in the use of private property. The Ministry of Community Services Ministry is not prepared to consider legislation that would limit the tenure of residential land without a property owners consent. The Province of British Columbia Province is increasing the number of tools available to local governments to obtain different forms of housing, including rental housing. In 2007, the Province amended the Local Government Act to allow for local governments and property owners to enter into phased development agreements. These agreements may be used to obtain special features in a development or other amenities in exchange for long term certainty for project zoning. The Ministry is also exploring legislative amendments which will allow local governments to reduce or waive Development Cost Charges on affordable rental housing units.

Convention Decision