Amendment to Fire Underwriters Policy on Fire Truck Replacement


WHEREAS the Fire Safety Advisory Council requires that all first line fire engines should be replaced after 25 years of service, regardless of mileage and condition; AND WHEREAS some form of appeal should be available to small municipalities with tight budget constraints to extend the useful life of fire engines beyond 25 years of age, where a minimum number of fire calls are involved and the actual mileagekilometres recorded is very low: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities petition the Province to amend the Fire Underwriters policy to have fire trucks and equipment retired from duty on the basis on the number of mileskilometres they have been driven and on their certified fitness, rather than on the 25 year basis.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL The provincial government had previously indicated that private insurance industry standards were not within the control of the Province of British Columbia. This position has not changed. In 1995, the Minister at that time, referred the matter to the Fire Safety Advisory Council for its support for a stronger message to the insurance industry to amend municipal rating policies. The council which existed at that time considered the matter and endorsed the current insurance industry guidelines on the retirement age of re trucks. This position has not changed. Fire suppression continues to be a local government responsibility including the selection of fire fighting apparatus.

Convention Decision