School District Consultation

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS schools, particularly in rural areas, contribute to the fibre and sustainability of their respective communities; AND WHEREAS major school district policy decisions, such as school closures, have a profound and lasting effect on such communities; AND WHEREAS there is no formal requirement or process to involve and engage the residents and local government officials in such decisions: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial Ministry of Education be urged to establish a requirement and formal process to solicit input and engage both the elected officials and local residents of affected jurisdictions in major policy decisions related to community schools, such as proposed closures.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Closing a school is never easy. This is a decision at the Board level and there are consultation requirements in place. Boards of education are expected to develop and implement policy that includes a public consultation process with respect to school closures. This requirement is currently in effect and is not expected to change.

Convention Decision