Notification of Landowners re: Proposed Sub-Surface Sales

Hudsons Hope

WHEREAS the Province entertains requests from industry to post for sale the right to explore and develop sub-surface resources within the province; AND WHEREAS the Province grants to industrial corporations the right to enter and use private land in order to access those sub-surface resources; AND WHEREAS local governments are notified and invited to comment on the proposed sales but individual surface landowners whose property would be affected by the proposed sales are not: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM petition the Province to afford surface landowners the same opportunity as local government to receive notification and make comments when sub-surface parcels are requested by industry.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Ministry actions to provide more information to surface land owners include: -the Petroleum Titles Online PTO internet based map viewer shows active tenures and areas where tenures are being requested. PTO has a search tool, using the BC Assessment tax roll number that allows land owners to identify if an oil and gas tenure exists and who owns it; -in consultation with the Northeast Energy Mines Advisory Committee, a pilot surface owner notification project is being developed. Ministry staff have created a new brochure, Oil and Gas Development and You: Information for Landowners to provide answers to those common questions; -a Ministry field office is being established in Fort St. John where land owners and residents can speak to staff about their interests or concerns. The BC Energy Plan: A Vision for Clean Energy Leadership includes policy actions aimed at improving landowner information: Policy Action 54: -Improve working relationships among industry and local communities and landowners by clarifying and simplifying processes, enhancing dispute resolution methods, and offering more support and information. -Improve landowner notification and awareness of sales of oil and gas rights on private land. -Improve private landowners knowledge of subsurface resource titles and lease arrangements for land used for oil and gas development. -Assess and improve the process of dispute resolution between landowners and the industry. -Review current setback regulations. Policy Action 55: -Examine oil and gas tenure policies and develop guidelines to determine areas that require special consideration prior to tenure approval. -Develop clear and consistent guidelines to determine areas which are off limits for oil and gas tenures or where special management practices are required.

Convention Decision