Skateboard Helmet Legislation


WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Penticton wishes to ensure skateboard users minimize the risk of head injury; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Penticton wishes to reduce exposure and liability for head injuries that may occur on city lands: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request the implementation of provincial legislation making helmet use mandatory when operating or riding a skateboard or rollerblades.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Local governments have the authority to regulate small-wheeled vehicles on their roadways and in municipal areas and parks where, for example, skateboarders are typically concentrated. The Province of British Columbia Province continues to support municipalities in developing effective bylaws and believes that operating conditions of skateboarders are best addressed at the local level. The Motor Vehicle Act contains specific provisions that provide municipalities with authority over the regulation and control of persons using roller skates, sleighs, skates, skis or other similar means of conveyance. Local governments are well positioned, therefore, to pass bylaws that will ensure broad and consistent regulation of this issue. In 2005, the Province contributed 50,000 to the Canadian Standards Association to support the development of safety standards for sport helmets such as those used for skateboarding, snowboarding, inline skating and skiing. In the same year, the Province also extended the helmet exemption under the Social Service Tax Act provincial sales tax to include all safety helmets used for sport, recreation and transportation.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended