Fibre Reallocation to Small Business Sector


WHEREAS value-added mills can no longer get direct awards of timber from BC Timber Sales to supply their operations with fibre and have been in a steep decline over the past five years, in spite of the fact that such operations employ more people per cubic metre of wood than the new mega-mills; AND WHEREAS the Forest Act changes have led to significant corporate concentration, which further limits opportunities for value-added operators to access timber that is being left in the bush or burned: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government reinstate the following timber programs: - small business, - small-scale salvage, - agricultural sector woodlots, and - direct award system to value-added mills, to better utilize the available and salvageable fibre.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing The value-added sector is an important component of the Province of British Columbias Province forest industry. The Ministry of Forests and Range Ministry is continuing to work on a value-added strategy that will make operators more competitive. Small operators and independent mills continue to have access to public timber through BC Timber Sales BCTS. Independent mills registered under Category 2 of BCTS can bid on a protected pool of timber. They also have the option of bidding on general BCTS licenses that are available to all interested enterprises. BCTS was created to support the Government of British Columbias new market-based pricing system through the competitive auction of Crown timber. By creating BCTS, more wood is made available to more people on the open market. The small scale salvage program has not been cancelled. However, an expanded salvage harvest due to the mountain pine beetle infestation has raised concerns. The Ministry is refocusing the program to bring it back in line with its original intent recovering individual trees or small patches of damaged trees. New types of tenure are being explored that will help create more opportunities for small companies and bridge the gap between small scale salvage and BCTS. This includes piloting intermediate salvage licenses in five forest districts that have been hit hard by the mountain pine beetle infestation. Fifty to sixty intermediate timber sale licenses will be offered through BCTS to help create more opportunities for smaller operators. Small scale salvage plays an important role in forestry; however, it is not the best program to address the mountain pine beetle infestation.

Convention Decision