Seniors Advocacy Project


WHEREAS there are no coordinated seniors advocacy services funded by any level of government; AND WHEREAS the seniors population is increasing dramatically at the same time that government funding cutbacks are severely impacting seniors; AND WHEREAS this gap in social policy is leading to potential abuse of seniors, causes unnecessary anxiety to seniors and their families, and places additional stress on municipalities; AND WHEREAS several BC local governments have previously expressed concerns to the Province regarding legislation such as the Community Care and Assisted Living Act - specifically with respect to the legislations narrowness of application and lack of provisions for accountability and monitoring for facilities supplying housing, care or services to seniors: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities support, in principle, the establishment of Regional Seniors Advocacy Offices, as proposed by the Seniors Advocacy Steering Committee, as a means of providing security and protection to seniors by ensuring they have an independent voice to advocate for seniors rights in accordance with federal, provincial and municipal legislation; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and to the provincial and federal governments requesting support and full provincial and federal funding for such an initiative.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services The Ministry of Community Services Ministry acknowledges the continuing work of the Seniors Advocacy Steering Committee and its work with the UBCM on local seniors issues. This resolution speaks to the creation of a new structure and funding to support seniors advocacy across the Province of British Columbia. Over the past year 2006 the Premiers Council on Aging and Seniors Issues Council reviewed various issues related to supporting seniors independence, quality of life, and ongoing participation in society. The Council presented its report and recommendations to Premier Campbell on December 1, 2006. The UBCM endorsement of this resolution will be considered alongside the Councils report in formulating a provincial response.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Even though municipalities are in a better position to hear directly about seniors needs and concerns, as well as local programs and services to help meet them, the issues affecting seniors are important to all levels of government. The well-being of seniors is an important part of my portfolio, and I am committed to helping them maintain a good quality of life. Human Resources and Social Development Canadas New Horizons for Seniors Program NHSP funds community-based projects that enable seniors to participate in and contribute to their communities. Budget 2007 announced additional funding of 10 million per year for the NHSP to combat elder abuse and fraud, and to expand capital assistance for community buildings, equipment, and furnishings related to programs for seniors. It is also worth noting that on March 5, 2007, Canadas new government announced the creation of a National Seniors Council that will advise the federal government on seniors issues of national importance. The Council will help ensure that government policies, programs and services meeting the evolving needs of seniors.

Other Response

FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES Resolution SOC06.3.03CA - Concept of Regional Seniors Advocacy Offices was adopted as part of the Consent Agenda at the September 2006 meeting of the National Board of Directors. The resolution was subsequently conveyed to the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development with the following message: This resolution, submitted by 10 municipalities in British Columbia, details how the establishment of regional seniors advocacy offices in British Columbia, as proposed by the Seniors Advocacy Steering Committee a group of 15 organizations representing senior citizens in B.C., would enable senior citizens to obtain the services to which they are entitled and ensure they have an independent voice to provide feedback on the policies and legislation that effect them. We support this initiative in principle and urge the Government of Canada to support it.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended