Fraser River Flood Control Gravel Sediment Removal


WHEREAS the Fraser Basin Council Multi-stakeholder Proactive Strategy recommends that the existing flood profile, prior to 1997, be maintained by targeted removal of gravel and sediment accumulations; AND WHEREAS each year of failure to achieve targeted gravel or sediment removals raises the Fraser and Harrison River bottom elevations and diminishes the level of flood protection: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial Ministry of Environment and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans be requested to allow substantial gravel and sediment removal from two areas: 1. the junction of the Harrison and Fraser River; and 2. adjacent to the outflow from the Hammersley Pumping Station.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment It is estimated that the sedimentation in the Fraser River gravel reach has raised flood levels by up to 0.5m in some locations. An average of 280,000 m3 of sand and gravel must be removed each year to meet an updated design flood profile. In response to concerns about the safety of communities along the Lower Fraser River, in September 2004, the provincial and federal governments signed a comprehensive five-year plan to remove gravel from the Fraser River. The Fraser River Gravel Removal Plan outlines the elements of the process, including environmental assessment and consultation with First Nations. The Province of British Columbia is responsible for planning the Fraser River gravel removal under the Land Act Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, and for issuing related permits under the Water Act Ministry of Environment, while the Government of Canada is responsible for decisions under the Fisheries Act DFO and under the Navigable Water Act Transport Canada Details of a technical advisory committee for review of gravel extraction on the lower Fraser River, including at the junction of the Harrison and Fraser River and outflow of the Hammersley Pumping Station are currently being discussed between federal and provincial agencies. Direction will be determined in the fall and early winter of 2006.

Federal Response

Ministry of Fisheries Oceans Regarding the matter of gravel removal from the Fraser River as addressed by Resolution B19, DFO has negotiated a five-year Letter of Agreement with the Provincial Government under which it works together with representatives from the Integrated Land Management Bureau on a technical committee that reviews and considers all requests for gravel removal projects. A project must offer hydraulic benefits for it to be considered for approval. The technical committee is presently reviewing all current requests and will be responding directly to project proponents. I have asked that the committee also consider the confluence of the Harrison and Fraser Rivers, and the Hammersley Pumping Station area.

Convention Decision