Online Tutoring

LMLGA Executive

WHEREAS online tutoring has been successful in the promotion of literacy; AND WHEREAS Premier Campbell has publicly declared that British Columbia has a goal to become the most literate province in our country by 2010: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities petition the Minister of Education to fund online tutoring in British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education The 2006 Speech from the Throne announced a new project whereby all secondary students will have access to free online tutoring. The first offerings were exam preparation tutorials offered online last school year to more than 15,000 students. Phase one of LearnNow BC was launched in October, 2006 with the online tutoring service available to distributed learning students taking Math 10 or Science 10. In order to help students prepare for exams in January and June, the service was expanded and improved in January 2007 to include all British Columbia students taking Essentials of Math 10, Principles of Math 10, Science 10 and Social Studies 11. LearnNow BC and the expanded online tutoring fulfils Governments 2006 throne speech commitment to provide British Columbia students with new options for learning and to ensure successful completion of their studies.

Convention Decision