Lottery Funding


WHEREAS it is important for non profit organizations to access lottery funds to support community programs and development activities; AND WHEREAS these provincial lottery funds are not available to non-profit organizations if they work with municipalities in their community programs and development activities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the Province to change the funding criteria whereby these non-profit organizations can access funding to support community programs and development activities where municipalities are participating partners.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Provinces gaming grant programs, including capital project grants, are administered by the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch. The grant programs have been designed to maximize benefit across the Province. Gaming grants help non-profit community organizations deliver programs and services in the community. The Province has established eligibility criteria to ensure fair and equitable distribution. Federal, provincial and municipal governments are not eligible. Strict parameters have been established for each grant program. This is particularly important for capital projects, which typically require significant funding. To ensure the limited funding supports as many programs and services as possible, capital projects owned or operated by municipalities are generally ineligible. Such a project may be approved if it is leased over the long-term by an eligible organization. In addition, a community service organization can donate to a municipal project if it is the lead organization and the community benefit is significant. The Province is not prepared to alter the eligibility criteria for capital projects in any way that would decrease the number of community organizations that benefit.

Convention Decision