Salmon Enhancement Program

Comox-Strathcona RD

WHEREAS the salmon resource is of the highest social, cultural and economic value to the people and local governments within the boundaries of the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona; AND WHEREAS the recent funding and production cuts to Fisheries and Oceans Canada Salmon Enhancement Program threaten the future of the salmon resource, and the social, cultural and economic value derived from it; AND WHEREAS these cuts to funding and production were implemented by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Minister and his Pacific Region staff without public consultation or proper public disclosure prior to these cuts to funding and production of salmon fry for release: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM request that the Prime Minister of Canada direct the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to maintain the current 25 million dollar funding level with a commitment to increasing future funding and to stop any funding or production cuts to the Salmon Enhancement Program; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCM also request that the Prime Minister of Canada direct the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to initiate no substantive changes to the Salmon Enhancement Program funding or production without a thorough and rigorous consultation process with local government, interest groups and all fisheries stakeholders.

Federal Response

Department of Fisheries Oceans Liberal Government Resolution B38 asks DFO to maintain current funding levels for the Salmonid Enhancement Program SEP at 25 million. I can confirm that SEP is an important element of DFOs efforts to rebuild, enhance and conserve salmon stocks in the Pacific Region. The Department has maintained spending on the program at a level of 25 million for the past several years even though this is above the annual budget allotted for this program. Regional staff continue to review ways to ensure that SEP operates efficiently and effectively at approximately the current level of spending. Department of Fisheries Oceans response to FCM conveyance Liberal Government Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO, both nationally and in the Pacific Region, is currently reviewing ways to ensure that SEP, as well as other programs, operates efficiently and effectively within its means. SEP is an important element of DFOs effort to rebuild, enhance, and conserve fish stocks in the Pacific Region. However, since 1996 the level of expenditure on SEP has exceeded the allocated budget by over 4.0 million dollars - to the possible detriment of other valuable programs. Until a final decision is made on longer-term funding levels for SEP, we are seeking ways to manage this program with minimal disruption to other programs. In 2004, some reductions were made to salmon production in some hatcheries as part of regular annual adjustments in production and to meet budget goals. DFO reduced production of coho and chinook salmon where the wild runs of these stocks were strong or where there was significant surplus production at a hatchery, thus minimizing the impact on fisheries. As well, some chum production was reduced. Fisheries and Oceans Canada has received numerous proposals from First Nations, community groups, or stakeholders in recent years regarding the co-management of SEP facilities. As part of the review of SEP, the department is exploring options with various groups in order to respond to such proposals. At this point, the SEP program is being supported by DFO at the current program funding level. I expect that staffing levels and funding in 2005-06 will be similar to those in 2004-05.

Other Response

Federation of Canadian Municipalities This resolution was adopted as Category B resolution at a 2005 meeting of the FCM National Board of Directors and was conveyed to the federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

Convention Decision