Establishment of Water Management Boards


WHEREAS the provincial government indicates that there will be increased development of green power projects utilizing water sources and these projects will impact on existing and future water rights throughout the affected river systems throughout the province; AND WHEREAS the projected drought due to climate change will further impact water resources: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the Province of British Columbia actively, and as soon as possible, establish and finance Water Management Review Boards, in consultation with impacted local governments throughout the province.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Local governments are looking for greater control of local water resources and the more input to the water allocation process. This is particularly evident in water-short areas, where local municipalities view the allocation of the scarce, remaining water resources as the key to shaping future development in the area. It is these factors that are contributing the call for local Water Management Review Boards, being proposed by the UBCM. There have been similar resolutions from the UBCM for an increased role for municipalities in local water planning. It is difficult to fully support this resolution without knowing the responsibilities and mandate of these proposed water boards. The Province is currently looking at opportunities to incorporate local government input and planning objectives into the water allocation process. Water Management Review Boards may be one such opportunity. The Province encourages the UBCM to explore this concept further and provide additional details around the mandate and structure. The Comptroller of Water Rights is prepared to work with municipalities and the UBCM to further explore this concept along with other ideas to integrate water resource planning into the water allocation process.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended