Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation

Williams Lake

WHEREAS the Mountain Pine Beetle infestation is assuming catastrophic proportions both for the environment and the economy; AND WHEREAS this crisis will have an enormous impact on all affected communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to return a fair portion of the resource revenue generated through timber harvest via stumpage to affected local governments; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds be returned, proportionally to the size of the infestation in the area, for use in addressing impacts to the local region, including infrastructure degradation from overuse, economic development to utilize dead beetle wood, and activities to offset future harvesting downfalls.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests The spread of the mountain pine beetle will affect 30 forest-dependent communities and the livelihoods of 25,000 B.C. families. We recognize that we must act today to do whats best for the workers and communities that will be affected by this crisis 10, 15, 20 years down the road. Through the mountain pine beetle action plan, government is committed to helping forest-dependent communities in the north central Interior diversify their forest economy. To that end, an economic diversification director is working with affected communities and First Nations to explore potential economic development opportunities to broaden their economic base. Expressions of interest have been issued for viable business proposals for new uses of beetle wood for example, OSB plants, pellet manufacturing or hog fuel for power co-generation facilities. This will ensure the sustainability of forests, the livelihoods of workers and communities, and the well-being of the economy in both the short, medium and long term.

Convention Decision