Transit Service to Small Communities

Thompson-Nicola RD

WHEREAS the residents residing in a number of small communities in the province have no public transit service and, as a result, have limited access to such services as health care and education in larger communities; AND WHEREAS BC Transit has no flexibility in its funding formula to allocate funds for expansion of transit service to unserved small communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government, through BC Transit, be requested to make further funding commitments to transit to provide funding for public transit to unserved small communities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The residents residing in a number of small communities in the province have no public transit service and, as a result, have limited access to such services as health care and education in larger communities. UBCM claims that BC Transit has no flexibility in its funding formula to allocate funds for expansion of transit service to unserved small communities. Government has protected BC Transit funding to sustain core services and has provided an extra 1.0 million in 200304 to BC Transit to meet the short term pressures of higher fleet maintenance costs in Victoria and other communities in BC. BC Transit will also assist communities in identifying innovative funding sources, including local partnerships with benefiting agencies and businesses, and other methods in support of the municipalities initiatives. The BC Transit Board of Directors has reviewed these service and budget requests and has met with representatives of these communities to discuss the local needs and priorities attached to these services. Working within the funding constraints as they presently exist, the Board will make recommendations to government later this year on options to assist these communities in implementation of local transit service.

Convention Decision