West Nile Virus Funding

Fraser-Fort George RD

WHEREAS West Nile Virus is a potential human and livestock health issue in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS continuing funding is required for long-term monitoring, mosquito control measures and public education; AND WHEREAS one-time funding grants available to local governments in 2004 are not sufficient to prepare long-term monitoring and public education programs and to undertake mosquito control measures: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide annual funding to local governments who request it for monitoring, public education programs and mosquito control measures to enhance public and livestock safety.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, ABORIGINAL AND WOMENS SERVICES The West Nile virus has not yet reached British Columbia. However, we are working in collaboration with municipalities, organizations and agencies to prepare for that eventuality. Government has provided a total of 4.4 million to ensure the province is prepared for the potential of West Nile Virus. Funding has been provided through: - Ministry of Health Services in 2004, one-time funding of 1 million to assist local governments in their West Nile Virus mosquito control program, 1.4 million to the BC Centre for Disease Control for surveillance programs and 400,000 to health authorities for coordination within their regions. - In fiscal 200304, the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Womens Services provided 1.6 million for advance planning work to help 128 local governments prepare for the possibility of the virus. This funding was available for the 2004 season as it was distributed after January 2004. Government acknowledges and thanks local governments who worked in partnership with Public Health departments to develop the 2004 WNV prevention programs. Government will be reviewing the WNV funding that was provided in 2004 and will be advising health authorities and municipalities when decisions have been made.

Convention Decision